Believe all women 😏
neat blue dog
JoinedPosts by neat blue dog
Norway Supreme Court Makes WTS Reinstate Disfellowshipped Member
by Golden4Altar inthe supreme court corrects a mistake.
massimo introvigne.
article source.
What sort of people were the JW's who went to prison? Government study tells all
by Terry indo you feel a draft?
(jw’s did-in the 1960s)i thought you might find it interesting to review exactly what the u.s. government thought, studied, and wrote about people of conscience during the vietnam war.what follows comes from official records…more than half of the 27 million men eligible for the draft during the vietnam war were deferred, exempted, or disqualified.
(cortright, david (2008).
neat blue dog
a baptized Witness who voluntarily joins the military is to be labeled "Disassociated" and not "Disfellowshipped"
Yup and same for blood transfusions. All that matters is appearances.
Who do you think the DEMONS are?
by raymond frantz inthe watchtower teaches that the demons are the angels that came down here on earth right before the flood but research shows otherwise in this video i consider the identity of demons.if you never looked in this subject you will find this interesting ,let me know what you think.
neat blue dog
Great stuff, thanks for sharing your research!
Is it okey to express your love for Jesus currently as a Jehovah's witness?
by Kosonen inis it okey to express your love for jesus as a jehovah's witness?.
it should be, even though it would lift some eyebrows in the congregation.
let's see what jesus said:.
neat blue dog
In one of their training videos about how to handle an 'opposer' at a convention, they identify the 'bad guys' as the one with the "Jesus Saves" bumper sticker on his car.
What have you forgotten you ever even knew?
by Simon inat a certain point, as the years tick by, you start to realize that you have forgotten a lot of things.
typically, something you learned, some knowledge or skill you used to have, that you just haven't used for so long you no longer remember anything but that you once knew it.. i saw an article about electrical resistors the other day, and how the colored bands signify the rating.
now all i remember is that i used to know it, and that resistors do something with, erm, electricity ...
neat blue dog
The mind is a complex thing. Many people feel that they've lived multiple lives over different places and decades. There's the saying 'if you don't use it you lose it' regarding skills, knowledge and abilities. Plus while the brain does have amazing function, the fact remains that there can only be a finite number of synapse connections. The JW concept of eternal human life is absurd.
neat blue dog
The Rutherford era publications were filled with such spite and angry rants on random topics such as holidays, vaccines, fascism, aluminum and hat-tipping, it makes you wonder who would ever be attracted to such a religion.
Scholarly Study of Witness Digital Competence
by vienne inuncle b passed this article on to me.
it's a quick read.
it seems accurate, but it is one-sided.
neat blue dog
What an absolute joke 🤣 JWs off thinking they're special again
2022 "Feature Bible Drama"
by neat blue dog inwhat's up with the trailer for the new film to be shown at the convention?
it's made up of nothing but clips from old dramas with interview-style commentary, so it's obviously a documentary-type film, so why are they calling it a drama, just seems silly..
neat blue dog
What's up with the trailer for the new film to be shown at the convention? It's made up of nothing but clips from old dramas with interview-style commentary, so it's obviously a documentary-type film, so why are they calling it a drama, just seems silly.
Will the next James Bond be........
by BoogerMan in.......a disabled black, non-binary, homosexual, transsexual, environmentalist vegan?
all bases need to be covered.
neat blue dog
It's not disabled, it's Differently-abled
I'm literally shaking
New JW.Watch Website - Plans, Ideas & Submissions
by Simon ini want to create a new site to help people leaving the wts.. the idea is that it will be curated content of articles and videos on specific subjects such as how to fade, how to handle family, personal experiences of leaving, mistakes to avoid, plus practical life matters impacted by the wts such as how to create or rebuild a career, planning for retirement, getting counselling, making friends etc.... the idea is that it should be lots of voices to share the love and promote lots of people's channels so it becomes a more effective resource (hopefully there will always be something informative and appealing to the people visiting).. if you have a youtube channel that you would like featured, or maybe have some specific video or series that would suit, i'd be happy to include them.. likewise, if you have a subject you'd like to write about and can share some practical knowledge and guidance on, or have a life-story you'd like to share because your experience could benefit others, please let me know.. i bought a domain and setup some placeholder content:.
please message me or post here if you have any questions or ideas..
neat blue dog
Maybe have a section that compares JW beliefs with traditional Christian theology. The premise doesn't have to be that the Bible is true, as I realize many are non-believers, but the concept being that JWs claim to follow only the Bible, but in reality they have unique non-Biblical major teachings. Nothing overly religious, just basic stuff that leaves an immediate impression, such as:
- the Biblical test of a prophet, i.e. if someone says something in the name of Jehovah and it doesn't come true they're a false prophet
- Jesus saying not to go house to house
- Jesus saying that the signs of the last days of Jerusalem would happen "never again", precluding a second fulfillment
- the lack of any earthly hope mentioned at all in the new testament
- Paul not giving obedience to the men in Jerusalem that WT calls the Governing Body
- the old testament laws that blood can be sold to foreigners, or even eaten in an emergency resulting in temporary uncleanness
There could also be a section on past teachings like organ transplants, blood fractions, and most notably vaccines, all of which were after they were 'chosen' in 1919.